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20 ways to develop your IQ (INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT)

Hey guys welcome to
Today I will be telling you guys about your IQ ( Intelligence Quotient) and how to develop it.
An IQ is the total score derived from a set of standardized test or subtests designed to access human Intelligence.
IQ scores are used for educational placement, assessment of intellectual disability and evaluating job applicants.
Even when student improve their scores on standardized test, they do not always improve their cognitive abilities such as money, attention and speed.
When your IQ is over 140 you have a high IQ which means you are very smart.
When your IQ is over 160 you have a genius IQ which means you are over smart.

           How to calculate your IQ
The equatoeq used to calculate a person IQ score is Mental age/Chronological age*100. On most modern IQ tests, the average score will be 100 and the standard deviation score will be 15.

          Ways to increase your IQ
1. Walk around the block.
2. Always take deep breath.
3. Keep a journal.
4. Explore new things.
5. Take frequent short break.
6. Improve your memory.
7. Eat breakfast always.
8. Use your body to help you learn.
9. Always medidate.
10. Stay away from sugar.
11. Cultivate your emotional intelligence.
12. Use downtime.
13. Engage all of your senses.
14. Load up on Antioxidant.
15. Play chess.
16. Do sprint.
17. Take creatine.
18. Get enough sleep.
19. Learn a new language.
20. Learn a instrument.

Increasing your brain power will help you live your life the best way. Use the techniques above to develop your IQ. Please drop your comments and like. Thanks


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